VolksAuto articles

VW Show Photo Books

14 August 2015
wondering what to do with all the photos you take at VW shows? What about a photo book?

The first international Vintage VW Show that I went to was at Bad Camberg and it was kind of a big deal for me at the time - the first time I had been to Germany, the first time I had ridden in a Hebmuller, the first time I had seen so many vintage cars together at the same time... So when I came back to the UK I decided I was going to put a photo book together of the event to remember it by. Often its difficult to actually 'do' anything with your photos, either they gather dust in some remote corner of your hard drive - or you might post on Facebook only for them to quickly dissapear from peoples timelines never to be seen again. I've since put photo books together for each vintage show I've been to, they're great for keeping all your photos together, with enlargements of certain photos etc.

I also now take a few with me when I go to a vintage show, they're great to flick through while you're sat on the ferry, or at some point in a conversation a particular car might come up and having the photos on hand can be very useful.

I've used a few companies to create the books, I usually keep an eye out for discount codes or vouchers so that you can some kind of deal. I like bonusprint mostly, they have some software to download so that you can create your book offline rather than trying to create your book on a website (which can be very frustrating).

Photos by the very talented Kate Amos.

Vintage VW 

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