Standard split
14 years ago

Now i have to admit, that it's brilliant news that the car is still around, and has been kept from going abroad, but all of the 'boasting' type posts have taken the wonder off the whole story for me.

It's almost as if you think you now have 'lengendary' status in the VW world due to buying the right car. But in my eyes the whole thing was Tony & Rattletrap. It would be a bit like buying the original "Emu" puppet and then thinking that "Rod Hull & Emu" could now magically convert to "John Smith & Emu" ...but it doesn't work like that.
Rattletrap became famous due to Tony, and trying to retake the limelight just by getting your hand in your wallett just seems wrong to me.
Enjoy the car, but please drop all the "look at me, i own the best vw in the world" stuff, as it really does taint what is a great vw story.
I guess i might have taken the whole thing the wrong way, but that's the way it comes across to me.

tguk wrote:

Gee, such a rant, and all my last post was about getting in the swing of things as its Christmas.:p ๐Ÿ˜›

Surely a return of the greeting I placed would be nice, followed by a couple of comments if you feel the need, that you think my love of dear old Rattletrap is maybe a bit too much for you to stomach.

The 'megastar' term was used by Tony himself to describe Rattletrap. It does appear in Tony's stories once or twice in the VW Motoring articles on his well-known and loved Beetle.

However your 'retake the limelight just by getting your hand in your wallet ' remark is well below the belt, and to be honest really pi**ed me off, is insulting and one reason for not taking Rattletrap to a VW show, as it bears out a friend of mine's advice about the sort of flack I'd have fired at me.:evil:

If you had looked through the Rattletrap thread you wound have seen this, written by me: 'Rattletrap was the first Split I ever saw. Back in 1977, and the Queen's Silver Jubilee, while we were waiting for the Queen's open carriage to pass, Rattletrap managed to run across the road junction just before it was closed. It was more of a treat for the young Standard Split than seeing the Queen pass afterwards. That sowed the seed for me to own a Split-Window Beetle when I was able to drive. More fascinating Rattletrap history. Can't spell out the excitement at seeing the thing back then, I easily remembered the unusual and short registration.'

So you see, Rattletrap was a boyhood fascination for me, and the chance to buy it many years later was incredible, and not one to miss ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Your comment 'what is a great VW story' is about the only part of your post that is correct. Rattletrap IS a great story, or legend if you like, a car that in my and many other's opinion, has done so much to raise interest in the wonderful old cars that we enjoy. With his television appearances and many news and magazine features and articles, Rattletrap has done more than his share to further the love and interest of early VWs ๐Ÿ˜Ž

One thing I have learned in recent times is that a scruffy maybe non-original old car with a story to tell is more interesting than the low mileage all original car that's done little. My '49 Beetle is an all original, one previous owner, low-mileage completely untouched car (no boasting or hand-in-wallet jibes please), and the nicest Split I have owned or know of. But up against Rattletrap its a little dull with no great history โ€“ I know which I would take to a non-VW vintage car show, because I know which the general public would be most interested in, then maybe one or two of them would like to have an early Beetle afterwards too :!: :beer:

And its not "look at me, I own the best vw in the world", as you wrote, that's how you think โ€“ I don't have an ego to feed. Despite having some head-turning cars I prefer to travel by bicycle or public bus than show-off in the street as I suspect you might like to do โ€“ Its look at Rattletrap, a real VW legend and fantastic old car. I'm only Rattletrap's keeper at this time, and it is owed to Tony and this incredible old car not to let the legend fade away, forgotten :beer:

Well tguk, I hope that you have joined us for more than firing off like that โ€“ add some interesting items to the forum ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Once again, Season's Greetings, and from Rattletrap too :wink:

There's probably only one person who thinks that Rattletrap is the best VW in the world and he's the one that now owns it. Sure he tries to cause a bit a stir with it every now and again, but thats because that's the only way he can add to it's history - unlike Tony who actually used to drive it :lol:

pre67vw wrote:

Thanks for the support Rob, I do think a lot of Rattletrap, he's great, but I seriously don't think I'm alone:!:

Yes I did let off with both barrels here, and yes our new friend should see that most of us are into our hobby for some good fun, non serious enjoyment and a little good humored leg pulling :lol:

 Both Barrels.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
14 years ago
John,i'd wish you a Happy Christmas but why lie,the HIT is in place,so why be two faced.
Standard split
14 years ago

John,i'd wish you a Happy Christmas but why lie,the HIT is in place,so why be two faced.

'50 Karmann wrote:

I'll be watching out for the big army tank when I'm out Christmas shopping then โ€“ I'll warn the bus driver :shock:

Happy Christmas to you none the less George โ€“ find yourself a better HIT man for next year ๐Ÿ˜›

Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
14 years ago
 15_Flirty_Christmas_Graphics.gif You have insufficient rights to see the content.
14 years ago

he's great

Standard split wrote:

and so you confirmed it John, he's a "he". :lol:

Standard split
14 years ago

and so you confirmed it John, he's a "he". :lol:

55Kab wrote:

I'm not sure that a 'she' would have the stamina to travel the equivalent of over 32 times around the globe as Rattletrap has done, so a 'he' Rattletrap must be :lol:

I'd like to think I have the stamina to spend an evening with '50 Karmann's beauty (above) though. Even nicer on the eye than the back of a Split Window Beetle :!:

Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
Standard split
14 years ago
Once again for those that may have missed it, lost several places back:

 Seasonal Rattletrap.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
Standard split
14 years ago

Yet calling one a megastar is completely normal, interesting.

Will you not be celebrating old Rattletraps birthday then John? Thinking about it, it'll have at least three birthdays in the years depending on who you talk to. :lol:

54 Gertie wrote:

Rattletrap's very special though:d

'Megastar' is a good description of Rattletrap, Tony was happy with using the term for him. If a stuffed Emu (aka Rod Hull) can be a Megastar, so can Rattletrap, which he is anyway.

Three birthdays indeed:evil:
I couldn't afford that:lol:

its just nice to know when your car was built thats all, now giving your car a name now that is real sad.

fugazi kid wrote:

I must admit that I would have agreed with you a year ago. But Rattletrap has a name that is universally accepted and known. It's the story as much as the car, which itself has developed a persona. None of my other cars have a name nor a 'he' or 'she' โ€“ they are all just an 'it'.

Rattletrap is beyond any other Volkswagen in charm, standing and legend.
Please do not compare a regular Volkswagen with Rattletrap ๐Ÿ˜ณ

By the way, no birthday just a 'builtday' for cars โ€“ I've yet to see one give birth. Rattletrap has birthdays though, because no-one really knows how he came to be, the bickering and arguing of opinions earlier throughout this thread over many months by many people proves that :lol: :wink:

(I've put the replies from other threads above because Rob gets annoyed at Rattletrap continually hijacking threads and hogging the whole forum) :roll:

Remember the post (below) that you put on this thread way back, George โ€“ well you sure were right :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

โ€ฆ you could have some great fun with Rattletrap Johnโ€ฆ:lol:

'50 Karmann wrote:

Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
Standard split
14 years ago
No more emails please! The 'abandoned' London Split Window Beetle is not for sale :twisted:

Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
14 years ago

No more emails please! The 'abandoned' London Split Window Beetle is not for sale

Standard split wrote:

That'll teach you for posting pics like that! :lol:

Standard split
14 years ago
People are continuing to take a swipe at poor old Rattletrap, elsewhere, on other threads :evil:

This relates to comment on the '50 in Volksworld thread โ€“

Huh sounds almost like a second ratle trap story to me !!

Etzhold& JD wrote:

Okay, so Rattletrap has also been cut around a little but he's still a De-Luxe Zwitter and not masquerading as a Sunroof or some other different model. The Volksworld featured '50 pretending to be something it is not โ€“ a Sunroof model โ€“ is maybe opening 'the cracks'; in the Vintage VW scene, or 'dividing it' as Volksworld suggests :twisted:

Rattletrap's a legend, of which the car discussed on the '50 in Volksworld thread does not come close ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Rattletrap hasn't created a divide in the Vintage VW Scene โ€“ if anything he's enlarged the scene with all his publicity and fame โ€“ TV, newspaper, magazine and countless show appearances โ€“ bringing enthusiasts, both purists like us and the non-purists together ๐Ÿ˜Ž

The usually meek Rattletrap was starting to get annoyed, well certainly a little rattled.  Angry RattletrapExSml.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
Standard split
14 years ago

Frankensteins monster...? Stitched together from assorted body parts? :shock:
(Should be right up Standard Splits street then:lol: )

JD wrote:

Leave poor old Frankensplit, I mean erโ€ฆ Rattletrap alone ๐Ÿ˜ณ

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
14 years ago
What ever happend to Tony Levy? I met him in Terrys Beetles around (I think) 1989 with Rattletrap there badly damaged. Tony was chatty and friendly and happy to discuss the accident which had recently been in the VW news at the time (probably Volksworld). So what happend to him and Rattletrap immediately after he passed away?
64 Californian LHD Karmann Cabrio
56 Old Speed Oval RHD (MonteCarlo Rally) (for sale soon)
54 Gertie
14 years ago
Standard split
14 years ago

What ever happend to Tony Levy? I met him in Terrys Beetles around (I think) 1989 with Rattletrap there badly damaged. Tony was chatty and friendly and happy to discuss the accident which had recently been in the VW news at the time (probably Volksworld). So what happend to him and Rattletrap immediately after he passed away?

Cog wrote:

Hi Cog, I too found Tony was chatty and always pleased to discuss Rattletrap, the car was his life, and really meant so much to him :wink:

As for Rattletrap, after his big smash, he underwent to biggest rebuild in the history of the Beetle, which was followed throughout by the VW world with great interest ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I have been very fortunate to have become Rattletrap's new owner, so he is still in the UK :beer:


Thanks 54 Gertie for the new picture, so many of Rattletrap's pictures show the mileage on that board that I can place them in the correct order of age :beer:

I think Rattletrap misses Tony a littleโ€ฆ  Rattletrap Unhappy.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rattletrap โ€“ the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950โ€ฆ the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW โ€“ he's on facebook!
Rich Oakley
14 years ago
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
Rich Oakley
14 years ago
Interesting letter from Mr Tony Levy written in May 1963. Note, that he clearly states that his car is a "1953" model. Several other personal references to his car from 1962 to 1965 state exactly the same thing. No mention of a 'special prototype' or '1950 model' car. I wonder exactly when Tony fabricated the story about it being something is isn't?

47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
14 years ago
Saw this iconic mega-mile old VW up for sale about a year ago and it was sold before I had a chance. used to see it regularly at VW meets during the 1970s and 1980's and loved reading the updates in safer vw? motoring of Rattletrap's adventures with Tony and its 'resurrection' form the big smash.
I searched the web for it and found this site. Without trawling through the whole of this thread I can say Tony Levy was always keen to discuss his car and with enthusiasm, and some of the comments made here about him are unjust. Why are there so many VW 'enthusiasts' here trying to discredit it, falling over themselves to show it is something else, as well as being a little unkind to Tony. Whatever it is it is a very well known and historic VW that's certainly done an amazing mileage I see its fallen into the hands of someone that thinks that he can just dive into the VW scene and be at the top just by getting famous old Beetle. Its Tony and Rattletrap not Standard T**t and Rattletrap and will always be so in my mind.
Sorry to let off abit:!:
The way to end a good day out with your Split is with an Ovaltine!
14 years ago
Firstly, welcome to the forum!

Without trawling through the whole of this thread

Ovaltine wrote:

:roll: glad to see you're willing to wage in without reading it all...

Why are there so many VW 'enthusiasts' here trying to discredit it, falling over themselves to show it is something else

Ovaltine wrote:

I don't think anyone is disputing that it's an iconic car in the hobby - or intends any disrespect to Tony Levy. However, there is some inconsistencies on Tony's claims - with early documentation stating it's a '53 and later claims that it was a '50 prototype. Then when the car was restored after it's smash, there is some debate about how much of the original car remained. I don't see any problem with discussing these issues? (apart from the fact that it just gets dull)

I see its fallen into the hands of someone that thinks that he can just dive into the VW scene and be at the top just by getting famous old Beetle

Ovaltine wrote:

This statement couldn't be more wrong, it's fallen into the hands of a long time VW enthusiast who has loved the car for decades. I wouldn't put Rattletrap at the top either, Standard Split has a few cars I'd put above that car anyday.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago
Sorry its comments like

I met Tony a couple of times. The last time was in 1996 at Peppercorn where he displayed the car. Whenever I spoke to him, he seemed quite rude and he certainly didn't seem interetsed in answering my questions about the authenticity of his 'experimental car' claim, so from that point on, I've always dismissed the story as utter bullsh*t.

Rich Oakley wrote:

I did not find this at all!

This statement couldn't be more wrong, it's fallen into the hands of a long time VW enthusiast who has loved the car for decades. I wouldn't put Rattletrap at the top either, Standard Split has a few cars I'd put above that car anyday.

pre67vw wrote:

Okay a bit OTT - maybe I'm peeved I missed the car:oops:

The way to end a good day out with your Split is with an Ovaltine!
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