17 years ago
Hey Guys.
This Heb pict was send to me recently from a fellow VW collector who want to be anonym. Of coarse I know who it is. :lol:

If anybody know where this car is...let me know.
I know it is hard without nrs but certain detail must be easy to identify this one.. :shock: I hope so.
The pict was taken at a meeting more then 20 years ago.

Can anybody help me to locate or identify this rare car?

Thank you . Peter
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
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17 years ago
Interesting, thats not a car I've got a picture of. Email me if you find any info!! :wink:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
17 years ago
Do you know where the picture was taken?
That might help track it down.
'50 Karmann
17 years ago
Oval dash in that car.
That will prove a few "experts" incorrect.  9364.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
17 years ago
That is no proof !
The Hamburger Heb had a dash from o 60 beetle or so.
The picture was taken in the 80 so you do not know the history about the car and it is not a period picture.
Bye Christian
17 years ago
There are oval-dashed big window beetles around too, but it doesn't mean they came from the factory like that! :?

This is getting like the search for big foot! 😃
17 years ago
I agree 100% with christian.

That is indeed no proof that it left the factory like that.
I wish somebody could proof it but until now it is t period pict from the 80's. From 1952 to 1986 there is a lot of time between..
If only we could identify this one and find out the history....
Like finding the first owner or dealer...

Maybe it was sold the first time at VW handler
"Grosse" in "fussen"... :wink:, you know where it snows always ,Malc

ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
'50 Karmann
17 years ago
I'm not saying the picture is proof an oval dash Heb exisits.
But until someone finds that particular car,because of that photograph, doubt will now always exist.
I would imagine that if one Heb was built in '53 and this used an oval dash the chances of that one car surviving would be pretty slim.
However i would like to think it did,even if it's only a pipe dream.
17 years ago
I wonder why Karmann would make a single 14a in 1953?
I doubt it was offered in any of the model literiature by then and the cost must have been pretty high!

Does anyone have any VW or dealer literature offering the two seater convertible after 1950?

Any parts manuals or price lists etc?

It would stand to reason that if someone ordered one in '53 they would want it to be the latest model and not a split dash version.

If the whole front clip and dash had been changed due to and accident it should still have a body number which would date the front - unless it was removed of course!

They may have built one just to use up the left over parts as a training exercise or perhaps for a VW or Karmann director?

17 years ago
I remember, that a friend told me, that there is one oval dashboardet Hebmüller in Munich area, close to the "Starnberger See". I have no exact names or adresses, but I think it is an original Heb as the people told me.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
17 years ago
Isn't it just far more likely that the nose was swapped over after an accident? (like a lot of Hebs seem to have had done)
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
17 years ago
I have no clue what car it is.
The only thing is that it was taken in Germany 20 years ago.
The bumpers, back lights are younger. And the lights are to high on the fenders.
I will try to find out where that car is now or who the owner was.
If I can find out I will let you know...one day maybe :lol: .

Acoording to another discussion about Karmann making the last handfull of Hebs I have to say that a Karmann coupe back seat have a simular setup as a Heb did..One whould think they spyed on that one..... :roll:

I, ll keep searching..
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
14 years ago
Sorry to dig up an old issue...
The oval dash hebmuller in the pict is identified....as an oval dash type 14a. The bodynumber is in it and it is on the list on Klaus his site....for those who check this site , you may have noticed it.
Bjorn wrote it is in the munich area and it still is. I hope to get more info soon.
So that should be one car that is period correct with an oval dash.

Are there oval dash Hebmullers....? That is the question:
Yes there are and no they are'nt but they are updated in their live...and left wuppertall as a split dash. Ok?

Now before someone shoot some questions and there will be some, I have to announce that I have info on a second car that that is original built around a november 52 body...and delivered 1 year and a half later.

The real proof of the existance of an oval dash type 14a is the fact that the numbers of the car are registrated in the archive of VW...and beside those numbers there is written : TYP 14A.

So to answer the long time question: Is there a Hebmuller with oval dash original made? NO
Is there an original made type 14a with an oval dash....Yes sir8) . It is made at Karmann :shock:

As soon as I get the Go from the owner I can give you more details, if he or she let me to.

Best regards....and do not forget to check regular the website www.karmann1952.de :beer:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
14 years ago

So to answer the long time question: Is there a Hebmuller with oval dash original made? NO
Is there an original made type 14a with an oval dash....Yes sir8) . It is made at Karmann :shock:

zelensis61 wrote:

I Thankyou,nice work Peter.
Never say Never.
14 years ago
Hello Peter,
i think you are wrong - like i said to Claus when we meet in the US a couple of weeks ago a very importaint man from Karmann was at our museum.( He is over 80 years )
When he looked at my Heb he said Oh on such a car i was alsi invould:lol:
I asked him the qustion about Heb with oval dash and he said that at Karmann they did not put a dash to the car. They got the body from Hebmüller and just completed the cars for VW
He still has pics and some draweings from that time and wants to show thwm to me.
I will go with Claus to the man and i think then we can ask all other questions and final answer the last Heb questions
14 years ago
Damn, I tought I found it out...As far as I know, Christian, the car started life as a Karmann body. The body nr is Karmann and from Nov 52. The nrs are correct and in the records at VW as far as someone in your area told me. Let us hope the man from Karmann his mind is 100%( not mean to offend him) Even I forget some things.
The car his VIN falls into the list I got from the cars made by Karmann altough it is not on the list.
This list contains X cars, there is one added with handwriting and thus x+1 cars made at Karmann. Now with this car, the list is x+2.

I wish I could go and see the car but it is not garaged in my area. Not even in Europe.
Maybe one day we will know all about it...let say in 100 years when we meet F Porsche, Hirst, Joseph Hebmuller and Wilhelm Karmann here above.:roll:

Greetings. The search goes on. :?

ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
13 years ago

Sorry to dig up an old issue...
The oval dash hebmuller in the pict is identified....as an oval dash type 14a. The bodynumber is in it and it is on the list on Klaus his site....for those who check this site , you may have noticed it.
Bjorn wrote it is in the munich area and it still is. I hope to get more info soon.
So that should be one car that is period correct with an oval dash.


zelensis61 wrote:

WHAT???? :idea: :shock: :shock:


DBK Germany
13 years ago

The oval dash hebmuller in the pict is identified....as an oval dash type 14a

zelensis61 wrote:

If that's correct, it would be my ultimate vintage VW. Well, it would be if the steering wheel was on the correct side...

Interesting story this. Can we keep it going as I'd love to know if it really is the breaking of an urban VW myth..."the OG Oval dash Heb"

13 years ago

If that's correct, it would be my ultimate vintage VW. Well, it would be if the steering wheel was on the correct side...

Interesting story this. Can we keep it going as I'd love to know if it really is the breaking of an urban VW myth..."the OG Oval dash Heb"

55Kab wrote:

Not a heb....a karmann built Type 14A, like Hebmuller and sohn karrosseriebetrieb built them originaly.:wink:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
13 years ago
these early cars as so interesting as there is always so much uncertainty!

one things for sure...i want a heb!
Car less.....