I have been looking for a long time to find original window scrapers for my Hebmuller!
But 6 weeks ago I found them in America and the seller assured me they were like the originals!
Big was my disappointment when I opened the package! Shit, they look like ordinary scrapers of an old convertible!
A little voice in my head told me to go and check the documents that came with the Hebmuller when I bought.
I did so and guess what?
I could not believe my eyes when I saw blueprints in scale 1:1 together with meassurements of an convertible window scraper ....... and the blueprint of a Hebmuller window scraper!
According to the old document the window scraper I bought in America as being a Hebmuller one was in fact the one for a convertible!
So we looked around and we found a company willing to reproduce in high quality rubber!
So I am saved now!
But maybe somebody out of there needs those scrapers too due to a restoration ..... or just to renew ..... or just to have!
Feel free o ask!:wink:
:twisted: ET
ps Sorry no pics yet, but they come!!!
Edited by user
16 years ago
Reason: Not specified
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!