15 years ago
totally rustfree 57 oval beam plus torsion bars, is it worth £100
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VW Stan
15 years ago
I think it depends on how desperate you are to get one.

I paid £50 for a NOS split short-shock beam (without leaves) a couple of years ago.

I reckon anywhere between £50-£100ish sounds about right.
It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
15 years ago
15 years ago

totally rustfree 57 oval beam plus torsion bars, is it worth £100

topolino wrote:

Got another oval yet then?:roll:
15 years ago
no,got a south african earlybay, was going to narrow the 57 beam for the black car but i may be selling that without the engine, so i may as well sell the 57 beam as its very clean, was thinking of asking £100 for it.