lee ivatt
18 years ago
Looks like a nice car. Thanks again for everyones info and ideas. I think maby i havnt been clear of my intentions. im not looking to restore a split, sell and make a profit. If/ when i get my name in the log book of one im keeping it!!!!!I also agree you'll only get out what you put in! All im concerned about is making a loss, i have friends who have spent 20k just rebuilding their engines. i just wanted to make sure buying/restoring a split wasnt going to waste my money! I have a high maintance lady as well!! dont want two!!

Mrsherbie, thanks for the advice on using later panels/parts. looks like im going to have to careful what i can and cant substitute. looks like ill be talking to you lots when/if the resto beggins as i havnt a clue what is ok or an absolute no-no when it comes to sourcing bits for old beetles!

Thanks again everyone. lee PS; still have concourse 1985 Rs turbo for sale £6k ono
Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago

looks like im going to have to careful what i can and cant substitute. looks like ill be talking to you lots when/if the resto beggins as i havnt a clue what is ok or an absolute no-no when it comes to sourcing bits for old beetles!

"lee ivatt" wrote:

As a general rule, if its permanent (such as a repair panel) - make sure its correct. If its something that bolts on, you can change it later.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
18 years ago

time to mellow down into a slow and 🅱low🅱 split 😃

"lee ivatt" wrote:

And if you're going to lower it then keep the original suspension components so it can be but back to standard if you want to!
lee ivatt
18 years ago
Yes, thank you i know that already, this is the rule ive followed with my recent Rs turbo resto, it only takes a few spanners and screwdrivers to make it standard again( and turn down the power from 200bhp hehe). What im not to sure about are the little bits like, for exapmle, switches, brakes, pedal rubbers etc all the little bits that make all the difference!!?? and only a true enthuasiast will notice.

I mean would it really be detrimantal to fit an oval front beam or even an early 60's engine?

Trust me im going to fit nice wheels and drop the suspension, may even fit aircon, as i like to be different, going back to my teenage angst roots i guess? I love concourse cars and "my" split will be easy to change back to original concourse. As you may have noticed my insparation has been the black beetle in my little picture, its still a nice split but it has its own look.

Even things like new headliners or retrimmed seats, do they really detract from the final value if not done to OE spec'? or is it just thinks like you mention such as inner wing panels etc??

Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago

Even things like new headliners or retrimmed seats, do they really detract from the final value if not done to OE spec'? or is it just thinks like you mention such as inner wing panels etc??

"lee ivatt" wrote:

They certainly do detract (IMO). The black car you're looking at is a good example, on eBay it only managed to get just over £4.5k which for a restoration that cost in excess of £12k is not a great return.

Original colour, stock as possible (don't cut holes for A/C etc). Original style interior, keep the original beam to sell with the car if you carry on with the lowering plan. That'll give you the max value of the car if you decide to sell it.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
18 years ago
My views:

If someone is looking for a nice, original split window beetle when your's comes up for sale and they know what is original and what is not, then they are going to price up all the rare and expensive parts they would need to find to make you car more original. Even if your car is imaculately presented, in their eyes they would need to spend lots more money to make it 'right'. So they would probably look elsewhere or try and knock your price down. If everything on the car is correct or you have a stash of bits to go with it then no problem.

If the potential buyer is after the 'look' you have created then I don't think they will be too bothered by the correct year details and would still be interested in the car even if it were a later bug with early dash and rear window grafted in.

That black split window beetle in your avatar has been changed soooo much that it might as well be a later beetle with some early bits added to create the 70's custom look!

A lot of early resto-cal cars are restored to a very high standard and just the mechanics updated to a more modern specification. If you can do all the work yourself then I'm sure you can create a beetle with a period 'feel' without the expence of finding the right parts - but don't expect it to be worth as much to some people as a 100% correct, concourse split window beetle! 😃
lee ivatt
18 years ago
thanks pre67vw, six-o-one info was very helpful, i think im clear now on what is possible and not possible with views to orginality and concourse. And six-o-one thanks again for that post on the 49' shell, think it may be the one for me!
Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago

Some words of wisdom which I have always ignored "buy a house you can't aford to live in, and drive a car you can aford to give away"

"six-o-one" wrote:

Well I can't afford my house and my car is pretty much worthless now, so I think this advice is probably over rated...
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
18 years ago
It came from a guy who always stretched himself to the limit to buy a property, then sold it after a year or two at a vast profit, then did the same again and again until he got into a £1.5m house when he was 40 with little or no mortgage to pay off. He then had some spare cash to buy his dream car too!
lee ivatt
18 years ago
yeh i agree, its a nice philosphy, although if i got to that stage id struggle in choosing my favorite car, Aston Martin DB4 Zagoto? 69' GT40? 1967 Lamborgini Miura? Ferrari F40? Series 1 landrover? E-type? 1932 Lemans Bentlety? Austin Healey 3000? My list is endless, any way id be more than chuffed with a split!!!
Ive just finished building my house so have no mortgage, tho the wife would dissagree that its far from finished!
Do you know 50' Karmann i was very upset :cry: that he/she thought i was going to "carve up a split" although it has made me even more determind to restore one to original concourse condition!
Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago
well he does happen to own the best vintage VW in the country and quite possibly the world (IMHO) and knows what concours is, and the pic you have chosen for your avatar doesn't show your intentions in the best light...

Who is more likely to cut up a split, someone who wants one of these:

or someone who wants one of these:

If you return a wreck to the road and save another split from distinction, and any mods are easily undo-able then I think thats probably a good thing. Hopefully thats the road you will follow (unless we can totally bring you to the dark side and make you 100% stock :wink: )
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
lee ivatt
18 years ago
fair comment, and you right i will only do bolt on things, although the more i look at splits im loving the original stuff, i my well already be on the path to the "dark side"
Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago
You *NEED* to get yourself to Bad Camberg next year then, no excuses. Then your transformation will be complete - feel the force luke
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
lee ivatt
18 years ago
I will try to be there. may even have a split on the road if i pull my finger out. And again im getting colser to you bufftys on the dark side, at least i wont get lynched if i say original!
Past Restorations

1954 International Tractor-----1971 1200 Orange Beetle-----1985 Mk3 Escort S1 RS TURBO
1972 1600 VW Camper-----1969 MK1 Escort Mexico RS-----1949 Standard Beetle (incompleted)
1993 Escort Cosworth 4x4 350bhp---1970 1300 Orange Beetle---1971 Aston Martin DBS Vantage
1992 Mk Golf GTI 16v (2.8 VR6 conversion-----1982 MK3 Escort RS 1600i (restored twice!!)
1987 Sierra 3dr Cosworth to concourse--1968 1300 Red Beetle--1967 1500 Lotus White Beetle
1972 1200, Orange beetle (yes I like orange!)

Currently restoring

1958 old english white golge rag top--- 1992 mk3 Golf VR6
18 years ago
If you restore a split using all the correct parts it will be an investment, especially as you plan to keep it. Original parts arn't going to get any easier to find or cheeper to buy! It may take a while longer to do it right but wouldn't it be great to win a concourse event with your restoration work - and I don't mean custom-concourse! 😎

You'll gain a greater appreciation for all the subtle changes made to the little beetle over the years as you uncover what parts corect for a '49.

And you'll meet some nice people as you track those parts down too!

18 years ago
'49 tailights! They're a bugger to find :lol: :lol:

I'll gladly swap my tatty old beetles for your Miura anyday! :D

Seriously modified early cars are guaranteed moneypits.
I'm not saying that they are'nt fun of course because there's no denying that they are.
They will give the builder/owner the instant glitz & glamour they obviously crave, but then when the excitement is over they sell usually for half the amount they cost to build if they're lucky.

The most valuable beetles in the world in real cash terms are obviously often military period but always stock and often with provenance.

I figure we all have our fun messing about with beetles, thats what vw's are great for, with such huge numbers built they are rarely, truely rare.
But at the end of the road I have realised that the people who really know, the people I really admire for their knowledge and good judgement, have usually got white hair! and are all much older than me, know much more than me and they all own stock cars...

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
18 years ago
Before doing any work, get somebody to give you a go in a non modified split. I promise the dark side will not let you go back ..... :wink:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
'50 Karmann
18 years ago
If you like,i'll take you out in my '47 if we are both at a show.
Keep it Stock
Good Hunting
18 years ago
Now there's an offer you don't get every day! 😎

'50 Karmann
18 years ago
Just spotted this.
Unbelievable a '43 Kdf.
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