13 years ago
I have a very unique Beetle, it was actually made for the 3rd wife of Henry the 8th. It sat in storage for many years after her death until I found it and restored it to its former glory. VW don't seem to have any record of it being delivered in 1537 but I'm sure it's some kind of prototype as it seems to have all of the attributes of a mid 60's Beetle.

Now all I need to do is I tell this story many times over and over then people will start to believe it and I won't have to prove a thing.

Nah, sorry. bullshit is bullshit is bullshit.

But RT, without the made up story - is an interesting car thats done a load of miles, seen most bits replaced and is still around.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
Old Blue
13 years ago
Okay, JD may have a point with a 1950 at the start then a change shortly later.

If Rattletrap (1) 1950 was badly damaged in the smash with the Volvo, way back then it may well have been completely scrapped (1962/3). Just maybe, Tony who obviously had contacts in Germany from his days there, may well have arranged a replacement car to collect. This being Rattletrap (2), 1953. Just a thought. Easier than messing around with a replacement chassis.

Then the problem is how much of Rattletrap (2) is left after the second smash in 1990, and what amount of mileage can be attributed to the first car.

And a Caledfryn,most people like to keep their ID private on the web. However, you are more than welcome to post your portrait, so we know who rto avoid at the shows.:wink:
1956 VW Beetle, 1962 Morris Minor, 1968 VW Beetle (Old Blue), 1972 Morris Mini, 2005 MGTF

Blue, blue, Electric Blue, that's the colour of Old Blue!
13 years ago

Okay, JD may have a point with a 1950 at the start then a change shortly later.

If Rattletrap (1) 1950 was badly damaged in the smash with the Volvo, way back then it may well have been completely scrapped (1962/3). Just maybe, Tony who obviously had contacts in Germany from his days there, may well have arranged a replacement car to collect. This being Rattletrap (2), 1953. Just a thought. Easier than messing around with a replacement chassis.

Then the problem is how much of Rattletrap (2) is left after the second smash in 1990, and what amount of mileage can be attributed to the first car.

And a Caledfryn,most people like to keep their ID private on the web. However, you are more than welcome to post your portrait, so we know who rto avoid at the shows.:wink:

Old Blue wrote:

And your point is?
Why is it so important to you, to try to make sense out of the fairytales.
Mike Peckham
13 years ago
Rattletrap is like father Christmas: we all love the myth and want to keep it alive. But don't try to turn the myth into reality, that's when it starts to get irritating, tedious and plain stupid.

Mike :thumbup:

PS: I have never understood the need to hide ones identity on internet forums,I've never done it and so far it's never been a problem.
July 1957 UK supplied RHD Oval. 1972 World Champion Beetle. 1978 UK supplied RHD 1303LS Cabriolet. 1973 UK supplied RHD 1303s.
13 years ago
Even I'm beginning to think that all this speculation is getting a little too much, so I suggest that it is left at that. I have already agreed with Rob that I'd keep the Rattletrap subject in check.

For my part Rattletrap has records dating from 1950, a lot of the car has been replaced over many, many years and hundreds of thousands of miles. Also, with all the records and stuff I have with Rattletrap, there is nothing detailing his smash with a Volvo. Similarly, if the car (or chassis) was replaced with another, the original registration number 10 BXK would have been lost.

I therefore will continue to use or display Rattletrap as a 1950 VW.:mellow:

If anyone finds some very useful information on Rattletrap in the future I'd appreciate if they'd email it to the below address (copy and paste into your email address box) and I'll consult Rob on a posting it here.

[email protected]

I'm finishing off with this interesting article from Volksworld in 2009, about the early VW shows (it seems to be more about Rattletrap though).

Rob please move this with the main thread. Thanks.:beer:
Thanks to Volksworld also.:beer:


Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
13 years ago
:arrow:  rsz_1volksworldrtstory2.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
13 years ago


'50 Karmann wrote:

That's assumed because Rattletrap was bought and registered by Tony in 1951. Rattletrap left the factory in 1950. The body number is also 1950.:wink:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
13 years ago
I'm referring to the fact Mr Kleins mileage is reported as being authentic.
13 years ago

I'm referring to the fact Mr Kleins mileage is reported as being authentic.

'50 Karmann wrote:

...and it no longer exists. Leaving Rattletrap the survivor, and highest mileage Volkswagen Beetle in existance.:sleep:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
13 years ago
Are you sure,it may be out there:rofl:

And if i find a mirror off it and build a car around it,it will be as original as R********p,so i will be the champion.

13 years ago
The idea of this thread being locked is that it's the end of the discussion.

Any more new RT threads that offer no new information will not be tagged onto this one but will be deleted. In fact I'm seriously tempted to save this thread as a PDF for John and then deleting the whole thing altogether.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
11 years ago

The car (in it’s 60s and 70s incarnation) was clearly a ’53, the original chassis number confirms this, and in early editions of Beetling Magazine Tony referred to it as a ’53. But Tony’s mileage record related to a car that had been built in 1950. It wasn’t until the late 70s and maybe as late as the early 80s that Tony first hit upon the story of a prototype to explain that his ’53 had been manufactured in 1950, in an attempt to appease the vintage buffs who were now savvy to the progressive refinements and knew when the Zwitter production run began.

The chances of VW creating such a prototype for a run of 100 cars is pretty much zero, not least because there is absolutely no record of it, either official or anecdotal, but also that the logistics of building such a run that so closely resembled the production car of two years hence are unimaginable. :shock:

Mike Peckham wrote:

I'm back on the Rattletrap case, and am now in contact with a very interested and knowledgeable lady at the VW Museum, Eckberth v.Witzleben M.A.:

Dear Sir,

I will research the vehicles which was assembled in April and Mai 1950, because your car with the Bodynumber *115 511* was produced during this time. And I hope I will find more Details about these interesting “US military vehicles”.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Eckberth v.Witzleben M.A.

Stiftung AutoMuseum Volkswagen
Dieselstraße 35
38436 Wolfsburg

It is interesting that the car is termed as “US military vehicles”. The Museum have several pictures of Rattletrap, so can clearly see it has the features of a Beetle not generally seen until October 1952, known today as 'Zwitters'.
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
11 years ago

Rob, can you move this to the Rattletrap thread please? :roll:

There was one chassis change documented and this happened after the car was registered by Tony in the Ancient Beetles Register, making the number he quoted the original. In any case, the replacement chassis was a post ‘08/55 type. The chassis number quoted by Tony as the cars original refers to a Jan ’53 Zwitter, (Black with a red interior) so clearly not that of the later chassis.

I understand from what you say that the car has had an earlier chassis fitted between the rebuild and your buying it, if this is the case, any number on there, whether it be legible or not, will bare no significance to the build date of the original car.

Considering the extent of the damage to the car and the amount of replacement panels used in its rebuild, I would not trust that the front clip is the original so any body number on there should be treated with caution.

As you have said, and rightly so, anyone claiming their car to be anything other than what it appears should get hard evidence from Volkswagen themselves to prove their case. Your car appears to be a 1953 Zwitter, the chassis number confirms this.

In order to prove that it is not what it appears, you will need to get hard evidence from Volkswagen that they produced a run of prototypes in 1950 that were exactly the same as the short run of zwitters produced 3 years later and that they issued these cars with chassis numbers that would indicate they were made 3 years later.

Do that and you might have a case.

Mike :thumbup:

Mike Peckham wrote:

I am in contact with the DVLA to hopefully acquire the full UK history of the chassis number that Rattletrap has. I was hoping to have some info to post now, but once I have this I will post it on this thread.

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Old Blue
11 years ago
This is great news. As I posted previously, I remember Rattletrap way back to 1961. The owner, who I now know was Tony Levy told me the year when I asked him. He said it was 1950, which I remember well because that was the same year as my father's car, a Ford Anglia. How or what became of the original chassis, who knows. But if the car is a fraud why would the owner lie about the year so early on, long before anyone would have cared?
1956 VW Beetle, 1962 Morris Minor, 1968 VW Beetle (Old Blue), 1972 Morris Mini, 2005 MGTF

Blue, blue, Electric Blue, that's the colour of Old Blue!
11 years ago

I'm back on the Rattletrap case, and am now in contact with a very interested and knowledgeable lady at the VW Museum, Eckberth v.Witzleben M.A.:

Dear Sir,

I will research the vehicles which was assembled in April and Mai 1950, because your car with the Bodynumber *115 511* was produced during this time. And I hope I will find more Details about these interesting “US military vehicles”.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Eckberth v.Witzleben M.A.

Stiftung AutoMuseum Volkswagen
Dieselstraße 35
38436 Wolfsburg

It is interesting that the car is termed as “US military vehicles”. The Museum have several pictures of Rattletrap, so can clearly see it has the features of a Beetle not generally seen until October 1952, known today as 'Zwitters'.

Rattletrap wrote:

Well John,you know my opinions.
But if it proves to be true.Sincerely,i'll be pleased for you.
It would also open a period of forgotten VW history.
11 years ago

Well John,you know my opinions.
But if it proves to be true.Sincerely,i'll be pleased for you.
It would also open a period of forgotten VW history.

GKL 7 wrote:

Thanks George.

I'm not going to build too much hope though. I can't seem to make sense of the business regarding the chassis change that was supposed to have happened twice. The current chassis number is that which Tony quoted in VW Motoring way back in the 1970's.

I'm hoping the DVLA records may throw up something.:?
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
11 years ago

How or what became of the original chassis, who knows......

Old Blue wrote:

I wish I did:?
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Old Blue
11 years ago
I am miffed by the term US military vehicle. I understand all military issue VWs were the base or 'Standard' model. For example, the REME cars were all basic models, even the sunroof cars were so. Tony's car is clearly a Deluxe. Deluxes were never issued for actual military use.
1956 VW Beetle, 1962 Morris Minor, 1968 VW Beetle (Old Blue), 1972 Morris Mini, 2005 MGTF

Blue, blue, Electric Blue, that's the colour of Old Blue!
Old School
11 years ago
Hi All

I like old cars although I'm into the British car scene most. Just a post to say that this thread brings back memories to me. Way back in the late 1950s I knew Tony Levy and his car. I do know that he had the car from leaving service in Gernmay and it was a black Beatle. Details of the car I do not remember but I think it had the unusual double glass window. He drove the thing a lot and so loved it for its good faithful service. He loved publicity and never missed a chance to have it in the paper and once I remember a TV appearance. Great days!
11 years ago

Hi All

I like old cars although I'm into the British car scene most. Just a post to say that this thread brings back memories to me. Way back in the late 1950s I knew Tony Levy and his car. I do know that he had the car from leaving service in Gernmay and it was a black Beatle. Details of the car I do not remember but I think it had the unusual double glass window. He drove the thing a lot and so loved it for its good faithful service. He loved publicity and never missed a chance to have it in the paper and once I remember a TV appearance. Great days!

Old School wrote:

Hi Old School

There are one or two others posting here that have knowledge of Tony right back to 'early '60s. I'm trying to amass as much information on Rattletrap as I can, and I am sure there are pics and articles that I don't have.

Do you have anything from then, even just a newspaper cutting would be good.:beer:
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
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